Coca Cola café created using T3 Systems.

The brief called for a design that would be used at numerous venues and events.

The stand was used to display their various production facilities dotted around France and some key factoids about those facilities.

It was designed to resemble a small café and included some unique features including a functioning door and three indented alcoves which were used to depict shop windows of the café.

A 1.2 metre 0.3 metre counter was also created in a similar fashion to the larger stand.

All the graphics were mounted onto the framework using a combination of the Silverlite and 45° Silverlite extrusion allowing for external and internal corners to have seamless, smooth edges.

The entire stand was packed into two compact travel cases which fitted into the back of a car.

Technics : T3 Frame
Distributor : ADE / France
Build Times : 5 hours / 2 people
Dimensions : 500 x 300 x 240cm